Thursday, January 26, 2017

How To Gain Weight Fast? - Bodybuiding

Having Tight Hips is BAD for Your Back, Health & Sexual Performance

We’ve all experienced it before, that pain or achiness after sitting in a fixed position for a good portion of the day whether it's from sitting in a stiff chair on a long distance flight, working on the computer all day or spending far too much time in the car.

When it comes to sitting there is one thing that is certain, there’s a strong chance you are placing your body in an unfavorable position and as a result of this, your body will get stiff.

Unfortunately, sitting is part of our culture and mostly unavoidable.

By spending so much time in your chair in a flexed position coupled with a lack of movement throughout the day, you have successfully followed the formula for creating tight iliopsoas muscles.

These tight damaged hips cause back pain, health problems and even disrupt sexual-function (more on that in a moment).

One of the most significant things about the psoas (pronounced so-az) or hip flexors muscle is that it connects the legs to the spine, which means that what you do with your legs could possibly affect your spine without you thinking about it, or even feeling it.

With a tight psoas from sitting all day your hips will become fixed in a forward thrust position causing your pelvis and leg(s) to rotate. This forward tilt will cause your hip socket to become compressed leading to pulling and shifting of joints, tendons, and muscles pulling on your lower back.

This pulling on the lower back WILL decrease blood flow and circulation as well as delayed nerve response to the hips.

If you can’t see how tight hips can affect your sex life, please watch that again.

Decreased blood flow and circulation will happen with tight hips.

If you thought that was bad enough, let’s look at the emotional side of this issue, as this might be more important than our physical performance in the bedroom. Our emotions have a lot to say about the current state of our sex life. Ask anyone if emotions and feelings have a role in their sexual desire.

If your psoas is constantly tight and overworked, the body is faced with permanent roadblocks of emotional and physical stress which forces the brain to continue to send warning signals to all of the systems of the body, including the reproductive system.

These signals trigger responses within the body that will cause an overexertion of the adrenal glands and will weaken the body’s natural immune response to stress.

Stress and sex DO NOT go together.

Remember, the hips are the primary movers in sex and it’s somewhat common sense that we want our hips to be loose and flexible in order to achieve great dynamic sex.

So what does this mean for your sex-life? If you sit all day and aren’t doing the appropriate work needed to fix your hips, you can be sure you are not tapping into your peak sexual-health.

this video isn't all doom and gloom because luckily there is an easy fix.

You see loosening your hips and hip flexors can actually be easy with something called the "Sequential Flow Method".

Monday, January 23, 2017

How to RELEASE Your Inner Athlete in ONLY 15 Minutes

How to RELEASE Your Inner Athlete in ONLY 15 Minutes

When it comes to athletes everywhere and achieving peak performance health, there is one thing they all have in common and that is being powerful through the hips.

Regardless of the sport, athletes want to perform at their best every single time they take the field, the court or the ice. In order to do that, we must have healthy, strong and mobile hips: Hips that function without pain, tightness or lack of mobility.

A balance in strength exists through the hip flexors, the iliopsoas group and gluteus group which helps keep the body moving and performing at its absolute best.

The ‘power zone’ lies at the center of the human body. Sure, the arms and legs are super important for any person or elite athlete, but the source of true power resides within the hips.

Talk to any coach or trainer all over the world over and they will agree with this simple assessment. Without the ability to bend, jump, twist, dive, run or move effectively, an athlete is dead in their tracks, literally.

Athletes from all backgrounds across the world spend a great deal of time working on the balance of strength within their hip area. They stretch, strengthen, massage, or anything else that will help them improve hip function.

Without even realizing it, athletes are helping to not only improve their physical performance but also their mental and emotional function.

Is it any wonder why after doing something physically active, even just a good long walk, you feel emotionally uplifted? Athletes and others that push their bodies in sports, in the gym or at home, simply feel better and more energetic.

Case and point: the body was designed to move and not be in a seated position all the time. But unfortunately for most people, sitting is a large part of our lives and the center of the body is restricted and stressed out.

But that’s NOT the case for many athletes.

The messaging that goes from the lower body to the upper body and back again has less roadblocks, less stress and the signals are stronger.

When stronger signals are passing from head to toe in an athlete, their power production is improved dramatically. And as stated at the very beginning, when you increase power, you achieve peak performance health.
I knew that if I could lengthen my hip flexors and undo all of that damage from sitting so much over the years, I could release my inner athlete.
This "Sequential Flow" of 10 unique movements included PNF Stretching, Static Stretching, 3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises, Mobility Exercises, Fascia Stretching & Muscle Activation.

Immediately after performing all of these exercises, I felt READY.

Ready to move and ready for anything. I truly felt more powerful and energized than I had in years and you can experience this for yourself in less than 15-minutes.

Add 35 lbs to Your Deadlift & Squat in 15 Minutes -bodybuilding

Add 35 lbs to Your Deadlift & Squat in 15 Minutes

Listen, it’s not what you think. I’m not going to tell you about a new technique to try or costly special
equipment or even some underground secret training program. It really has to do with one simple but life-changing thing: UNLOCKING your tight hips. I was blown away by what I’m about to share with you and so let me explain.

The ‘power zone’ as I like to call it lies at the center of the human body. Sure, the arms and legs are super important for any person or elite athlete, but the source of true power resides within the hips. Talk to any coach or trainer the world over and they will agree with this simple assessment: All athletes from hockey to football, baseball to tennis, soccer to powerlifting rely on the explosiveness that their hips and glutes possess.

Without the ability to bend, jump, twist, dive, run or move effectively, an athlete is dead in their tracks, literally. So what is the common thread that ties most athletes together?

Some might say speed, power or even strength, but the answer is actually much simpler than that. I’m talking about the athletic position or ready position found in most sports. Imagine for a moment the
linebacker in football, the shortstop in baseball, the goalie in hockey or the powerlifter on the platform and how their body looks. They all stand ready in a position of strength to either tackle someone, catch a ground ball, stop a puck or lift maximum weight.

For example, what does the powerlifter do just before the squat or deadlift? They move into a strong,
athletic position as they mentally connect to every muscle in their body so that they can create as much power and force on the bar as possible. None of them would ever stand casually in an upright position seconds before having to perform.

Why is that? Because they would not be able to generate ANY power from that position. An athlete in almost any sport will stand with feet shoulder width (or wider) apart, knees flexed, butt back and torso tilted forward. They are balanced, grounded, strong and ready for anything that comes towards them.

From this position, anyone can react quickly, explosively and with tremendous power. If at any time the muscles in the hip area are compromised, athletic performance is undoubtedly affected and not in a good way. When it comes to acceleration and speed, the hips are at the epicenter of power. Even though the squat or deadlift with maximum weight may not look very fast, the lifter is telling their body to move as fast as they can to move the load.

So when I assessed how much I sat every day on the computer and realized even though I train hard 5 days per week in the gym, my hips were in terrible condition. And knowing how critical the hips are when it comes to generating ultimate power, it was time to seek out a professional who could help me out.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Causes of Acid Reflux

Causes of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux disease, also known as gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), occurs due to the coexistence of several medical and lifestyle conditions. Physiological factors that trigger GERD include lower esophageal sphincter (LES) hypotonia (the gradual weakening of the LES), along with retrograde flow of stomach contents into the esophagus, and the level of sensitivity of the esophageal mucus to the reflux content.

The food that you swallow travels down your throat and is pushed by contractions of the muscular esophagus. In the area where the esophagus joins the stomach a valve-like mechanism, known as lower esophageal sphincter (LES), is located. The closure of this muscle prevents stomach acid from backing up, or refluxing, into the esophagus.

LES malfunction is the first factor that causes and contributes to gastro-esophageal reflux disease. In a healthy individual, the LES relaxes only when food passes from the esophagus into the stomach. After the food passes into the stomach, the valve shuts off, keeping the stomach content and acid inside. However, when the LES is weak and doesn't close properly, acid can splash up into your throat causing painful burning sensation, called heartburn.

There are several factors/conditions, which can prevent the LES from being closed properly. These factors/conditions include genetic weakness, obesity and excessive fat ingestion. In addition to that, all muscles in the human body tend to sag as part of the aging process, including the LES.

The second factor, or rather the group of factors that causes gastro-esophageal reflux disease, are behavioral and lifestyle related. As mentioned above, a weakened LES is one of the direct physiological causes of acid reflux disease. Various food ingredients, drugs and nervous system processes can weaken this muscle, thus contributing to GERD. Foods that may contribute to acid reflux include orange juice, lemons and lemonade, grapefruit juice, tomatoes and tomato juice, French fries, sour cream, coffee and tea.

Acid reflux can also be the result of fungal yeast infection that builds up in the colon. When Candida albicans turn from yeast to fungi, they depress the immune system and produce more than 79 distinct toxins that may be responsible for many of the symptoms that Candida sufferers have including heartburn.

When Candida gets out of control, it breaks through the intestinal walls and travels throughout the body. It can attach itself to the genital areas, the mouth and the esophagus among many other parts of the body. When Candida goes out of control, it begins to ferment and reflux the contents of the stomach upward through the small intestines, through the stomach and then through the esophagus, causing infection, burning and damage to the esophagus

This article is based on the book, "Heartburn No More" by Jeff Martin. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate acid reflux solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of heartburn and acid reflux and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. 

What Are The Symptoms of Acid Reflux? - Heartburn

What Are The Symptoms of Acid Reflux? - Heartburn

It is widely agreed among physicians and medical paraprofessionals, that initial diagnosis, mostly by using a typical acid reflux symptoms questionnaire, is necessary to ensure the most effective and quick treatment for this condition. Approx 70% of the acid reflux diagnostics that are based on the presence of typical symptoms are accurate. Since acid reflux, also called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), can cause patients a great deal of discomfort and result in severe complications, it is highly important to know how to identify its symptoms in order to quickly diagnose and treat it.

The most common symptom of GERD is persistent heartburn. Heartburn is experienced as an unpleasant and painful burning sensation in the esophageal area. Other typical symptoms are as follows:

1. Gastric regurgitation, which means an unrestricted reversed flow of gastric or esophageal contents into the throat. This gastric fluid can cause respiratory complications under certain conditions.

2. Odynophagia, which means pain when swallowing.

3. Dysphagia, which means difficulty swallowing, or the feeling of food stuck in the throat.

In addition to the above, about 50% of all gastroesophageal reflux disease sufferers report the co-occurrence of sinonasal symptoms (i. e. symptoms pertaining to the nose and sinuses).

Abnormal GERD symptoms include chronic wheezing and coughing (sometimes referred to as acid reflux related asthma, and are caused by the aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs area), spasmodic noncardiac chest pain and damage to the lungs, often followed by respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and asthma. Intense chest pain may closely resemble that of myocardial infarction that it has often been incorrectly interpreted as a heart attack. However, unlike the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, cardiovascular chest pain is usually aggravated during physical exercise.
Finally, acid reflux can also harm the vocal cords (hoarseness, laryngitis, cancer), ears (otitis media), and teeth (enamel decay). Being able to identify those symptoms as GERD related is of great importance to your health and general well being and for the prevention of potential complications. Acid reflux symptoms might serve as evidence to severe overall internal imbalance. In addition to that, neglected gastroesophageal reflux disease can lead to significant physical discomfort and sometimes can results in chronic and even dangerous health conditions, such as esophageal cancer and pneumonia.

This article is based on the book, "Heartburn No More" by Jeff Martin. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate acid reflux solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of heartburn and acid reflux and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures.

The Body's Most Primal Muscle - Weight loss tips

The Body's Most Primal Muscle - Weight loss tips

Today I want to tell you about the body's most primal muscle….that you've probably never heard of (let alone trained).

Your hips are the bridge between your upper body and lower body. They are at the center of your body's movement.

Sitting within the well of your hip and lower spine is the psoas major muscle, one of the two muscles that makes up the iliopsoas.

It’s often called the "mighty" psoas (pronounced so-az) for the many important functions it plays in the movement of your body.The psoas is the only muscle in the human body connecting the upper body to the lower body.

The muscle attaches to the vertebrae of the lower spine, moves through the pelvis and connects to a tendon at the top of the femur. It also attaches to the diaphragm, so it’s connected to your breathing, and upon it sits all the major organs.

A functioning psoas muscle creates a neutral pelvic alignment, stabilizes the hips, supports the lower spine and abdomen, supports the organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity and gives you greater mobility and core strength.

When it functions well, it has the power to…

… help you achieve peak performance day after day after day.

… rapidly drop ugly body fat that stubbornly clings to your body.

… train harder, heavier and gain strength faster than you thought possible.

… hit your peak of sexual health.

… flood your mind and body with renewed energy and vigor.

Put simply, this muscle is the core of activity in your body. So, when it's out of balance or if the psoas tightens, there are serious consequences which flow throughout the body.

That's why I urge you to try these…..

10 Simple Moves to Unlock & Release Your Psoas (Hip Flexor Muscles)

What YOU Would Look Like With 5-7% Less Body Fat

What YOU Would Look Like With 5-7% Less Body Fat

Have you heard of anterior pelvic tilt?

It's a term you might have heard from your personal trainer and it's a condition that causes your butt to stick out and your belly to bulge due to your hips tilting forward.

Having this anterior pelvic tilt also known as bulging belly syndrome can make you look like you have 5-7% higher body fat than you actually do.That might be hard to imagine, so take a look at the pic below.

Pretty crazy isn't it? Now don’t get me wrong, you're not going to get popping abs and look like someone in the first two squares simply by loosening your hips.

However if you're anywhere else on the chart, you will certainly look like you moved an entire square over simply by unlocking your hip flexors which are one of the leading causes of anterior pelvic tilt.

How do you know if you have tight hip flexors?

If you sit a lot and have a belly that protrudes, I'm 99% sure you have tight hip flexors. Most of us do, it's just a fact of life.

There is a 15-minute solution that can reverse the damage of sitting and tucks your stomach back in, which can be found at the link below

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Activity Making You Fatter & Weaker - How to lose belly fat

Activity Making You Fatter & Weaker

It may be the most harmless activity known to man, but it's also one of the biggest dangers to your health.


Even if you're the most active of athletes, you may still suffer from tight hip flexors due to the amount of time you spend each day planted to a chair.

If you have tight hip flexors from sitting too much you may be kicking your body into fat storing mode and it has nothing to do with inactivity.

Sitting Is a Fat Loss Inhibitor.

As the body's "fight or flight" muscle, your psoas (hip flexors) is deeply connected to our natural survival instinct. It instantly tightens in moments of danger to either protect you (in a fetal position) or help you run, fueled by the release of adrenaline. (chèn hinh2 )

However, if your psoas (hip flexors) is constantly tight from sitting too much, it signals to the body you are in constant danger, leading to overworking of the adrenal gland.When this happens, your immune system suffers and your body automatically switches into fat storing mode in anticipation of danger. Can't shift that weight? Blame those tight hip flexors known as your "survival muscle".

If You Sit Too Much & You're Having Trouble Losing Fat Try This:
If you have a desk job, drive to work or like to relax on the couch, congratulations you're like a lot of other people. Sure you can decrease the amount of time you spend sitting but overall there's no way around it.

So what should you do?
Personally I recommend that you incorporate these 10 Simple Moves into your day. They take less than 15-minutes and can unlock your hip flexors (survival muscle) so that you're not stuck in fat storing mode.

10 Simple Moves To Do If You Sit Too Much Press the link below for more information, Helps you burn fat.

Give it a try, you'll bring vitality back into your life so that you can be lean, active and energetic for yourself and loved ones.

Activity That Makes You Look Fat -

Activity That Makes You Look Fat

It may be the most harmless activity known to man, but it's also one of the biggest dangers to your health.


Even if you're the most active of athletes, you may still suffer from tight hip flexors due to the amount of time you spend each day planted to a chair.If you have tight hip flexors from sitting you can look fat even if you're not!

It's called Bulging Belly Syndrome.

Wonder why your stomach still sticks out even though you're hammering the core exercises every day? It's a common myth that bulging belly is due to weak abdominal muscles.

The real cause is likely to be tight hip flexors (from sitting too much) , which cause the lower back to curve pushing out the stomach. When your hip flexors also known as the psoas works properly it pulls the abdomen back tucking the tummy in, giving you a strong flat stomach.

That's why some people can look fat with a bulging stomach even if they're not fat.

If you sit a lot (which causes tight hip flexors) and have a belly you want to get rid of, forget about dieting.

Instead I recommend that you incorporate these 10 Simple Moves into your day. They take less than 15-minutes to complete.

Give it a try, you'll bring vitality back into your life so that you can be strong, active and energetic for yourself and loved ones.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Acid Reflux - Foods to Avoid

Acid Reflux - Foods to Avoid

What acid reflux food should I avoid? This is a question most gastroesophageal reflux disease sufferers struggle upon. Promoting healthy nutrition that is based on avoiding certain foods while increasing the intake of others has the potential to confer significant long-term health benefits among acid reflux sufferers. Lifestyle and dietary alterations are considered to be an integral and inseparable part of any long-term holistic GERD treatment.

The foods we consume play an important role when it comes to keeping our body's delicate natural inner balance. Since certain foods and dietary habits have been found to directly and indirectly promote the aggravation of acid reflux, avoiding those foods and adopting specific dietary habits for optimal digestion while suffering from acid reflux could have a tremendously positive effect on your existing medical condition. The following are examples of these types of foods:

1. Coffee and other caffeine containing beverages lead to increased acidity, so avoid large amounts of coffee. Try to limit your daily coffee consumption to two cups or less. It possible, split your coffee cup into two half cups, and reduce coffee drinking before the bedtime.

2. Alcohol can irritate the stomach and relax the LES muscle, leading to increased acidity and reflux.

3. High-fat foods are among the biggest culprits behind GERD symptoms. They take longer to digest and not easily eliminated out of body, thus increasing the chances acid will splash up into your esophagus. The only exceptions are omega-3 fatty acids from fish and fish oil, which are in fact powerful anti-inflammatory agents.

4. Chocolate contains a great deal of caffeine and fat. This may increase acidity and worsen digestion and hence should be avoided. If you are a devoted chocolate enthusiast, go for dark, organic varieties, and eat no more then two to three tiny squares two to three times per week. 

5. Milk and milk-based products that contain a big proportion of calcium should also be avoided before bedtime.

6. Peppermint, spearmint and other mints can worsen acid reflux symptoms. Avoid foods that contain strong mints, including mint-based herbal teas.

7. Acidic foods (such as oranges and tomatoes) and cruciferous vegetables (onions, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts) promote the opening of the esophageal sphincter, thus increasing acid reflux.

So what acid reflux food should you avoid? With these dietary changes and a healthy motivation to alter your lifestyle, you can be on your way to overcoming gastroesophageal reflux disease and improving the quality of your life and well-being. Whatever your medical condition is, when you finally decide to improve your quality of life, you can literally choose to cure GERD and prevent its recurrence, by adopting the holistic approach. You will have the power to make it happen

This article is based on the book, "Heartburn No More" by Jeff Martin. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate acid reflux solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of heartburn and acid reflux and natu rally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the useprescription medication and without any surgical procedures. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What Is Acid Reflux? One Health

What Is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux disease, also known as gastro-esophageal reflux disease, or GERD, occurs due to the coexistence of two medical conditions. The first acid reflux disease contributing condition is a retrograde flow of stomach contents into the esophagus. However, the reflux itself does not necessarily lead to gastro-esophageal reflux disease symptoms or histologic changes, and can occur among healthy individuals as well. In this case, the process is referred to as "physiologic gastroesophageal reflux". 

The second acid reflux disease predisposing condition is a lower esophageal sphincter (LES) malfunction. The LES is a 3-cm to 4-cm ring of muscle, which is two to three times thicker than the proximal esophagus and acts as a valve between the esophagus and the stomach. In the case of acid reflux disease, the LES does not close perfectly and stomach contents splashes up into the esophagus. When pathologic symptoms follow this process, the whole condition is called acid reflux disease. 

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease is usually experienced as a persistent (at least twice a week) heartburn. Heartburn is the burning sensation in the chest or throat, caused by refluxed stomach contents touching the lining of the esophagus. Since healthy individuals may also experience light reflux - occasional heartburn is common as well, and doesn't necessarily serve as an evidence of GERD. 

Some GERD sufferers may also experience pain in the chest, cough, morning hoarseness, voice changes, difficulty swallowing (especially lumpy foods), chronic earache, burning chest pains, nausea or sinusitis. Some patients report a sensation that reminds food stuck, choking or tightness in the throat. This happens due to continuous stomach contents acid flow that comes into contact with the esophagus and causes inflammation of the esophagus resulting in scars from tissue damage. 

Untreated acid reflux disease can lead to serious health complications. Those include stricture formation, bleeding, ulcers and esophageal spasms. When the stomach acid reaches the upper esophagus and trachea, the process can result in a variety of severe conditions, such as asthma, sinusitis and pneumonia. Finally, some people may develop Barrett's esophagus, a condition that manifest in an abnormal shape and color of cells in the esophageal lining. This condition is a precursor to esophageal cancer, especially in adults over 60 years old. 

The treatment of gastro-esophageal reflux disease takes three forms: surgery, medical therapy and holistic therapy, including dietary and lifestyle changes and the intake of specific herbal supplements. An undergoing surgery should be considered very carefully, since it can compound some underlying conditions, such as stricture and motility disorders. Medical treatment of GERD includes PPIs and H2 blockers. While acid reflux can be treated by taking prescription medications or acid blockers such as the above, bear in mind that the results may be temporary and that some conventional medications can cause serious side effects. 

From a holistic point of view, acid reflux disease is considered a warning sign of a major internal imbalance that needs to be properly addressed. Therefore, alternative remedies, such as homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes as part of a complete holistic regimen are strongly recommended for acid reflux sufferers.

This article is based on the book, "Heartburn No More" by Jeff Martin. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate acid reflux solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of heartburn and acid reflux and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

The 60 day Fix - Weight Loss Tips

Why did the 3 Wise Men choose Frankincense, Gold, and Myrrh as their gifts to the infant Jesus?

For more than 2,000 years Bible experts haven't been stumped....

But now all that's changing thanks to this surprising new research

Biblical scholars and medical doctors recently began studying the healing benefits of Frankincense and Myrrh...

And what they found is SHOCKING.
It turns out that both Frankincense and Myrrh have the potential to dramatically lower blood sugar... And seeing over 25Ibs being dropped in the 1st four weeks…

And aid in the fight against many other conditions and diseases.

Not only that... But when medical experts started looking at other foods, spices, and herbs inside the Holy Scripture...

They discover that there were 12 additional Biblical ingredients that could help with diabetes, weight loss, and more...

Many in the scientific community are extremely unhappy this list has been published... Which means if you're looking to for a new way to lose weight or even help fight diabetes or any other condition...

You need to check out this controversial presentation now, while it's still online.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

One Health - Weight Loss

Welcome to the official Youtube page for me, One Health.

It's a wonderful treat to be able to share ideas about health, holistic living, natural healing, beauty and fitness, etc with millions of you all over the world!

Health is the gift of God, so we must care our health.

Awareness of health to lead a healthy life, so here you will find Health tips about Diabetes and High Pat, healthy food, healthy habits, Best Health Tips & solutions For Eye, Pregnancy , Best health Tips, Diet Tips & Healthy Recipes, Amazing Benefits of Fruits, Best Skin Care Tips, Best Tips & Solutions For Hair Loss, Best Health Tips For etc.

Now is the time for us to reach out to everyone who will listen and share our views of health, community and self-realization; please join us in our effort.

I will be loading videos weekly, if not daily, so please Rate, Comment and Subscribe for much more to come.